Building on Governor Cuomo’s CNSE G450C initiative and expanded partnership between NanoCollege and the Mohawk Valley EDGE continues New York’s investment strategy
Albany and Utica, NY – In accordance with Governor Andrew Cuomo’s strategic blueprint for growing nanotechnology industry jobs, companies, and investment across New York, the SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) and Mohawk Valley EDGE today announced an expanded partnership through which CNSE will lead development of the Marcy Nanocenter site by serving as the site end user.
The EDGE-SUNY CNSE partnership is designed to accelerate the attraction of next-generation 450mm computer chip manufacturing to the Mohawk Valley by deploying Governor Andrew Cuomo’s publicly-led and publicly-managed public-private partnership model that he first introduced with the CNSE Global 450mm Consortium (G450C).
“Today’s announcement of an expanded partnership among CNSE, Mohawk Valley EDGE and SUNYIT is yet another example of how New York State’s world-class higher education and research institutions are partnering with the private sector to revitalize Upstate New York,” Lieutenant Governor Robert J. Duffy said. “The Marcy Nanocenter has the potential to transform the economy of the Mohawk Valley and position the region to become a global leader in the nanotechnology industry. Under Governor Cuomo’s direction, the State remains committed to collaborating with the private sector to attract new investment, grow businesses and create jobs for Upstate New York. I applaud everyone who has been involved in moving this exciting partnership forward.”
“I have made the Quad C and Marcy Nanocenter initiatives key priorities for the Mohawk Valley. I applaud Governor Cuomo’s commitment to the Mohawk Valley and believe that CNSE is the catalyst that can help build a sustainable high technology economy that will create jobs, reclaim population and produce critical secondary benefits throughout the Upstate economy,” said New York State Senator Joseph A. Griffo.
“This announcement marks a major turning point in helping the Mohawk Valley reclaim its rich heritage as a center for manufacturing and innovation,” said Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi. “I want to thank the Governor and Dr. Kaloyeros for their commitment, and Mohawk Valley EDGE for its leadership in positioning the Marcy site as a strategic site that is pivotal to strengthening New York’s position as a global hub for semiconductor manufacturing.”
County Executive Anthony Picente said, “I want to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Governor Cuomo, whose commitment is instrumental in making today’s announcement possible. I also want to express my gratitude to Dr. Kaloyeros for his leadership in helping to leverage CNSE’s successful business model to create new economic development opportunities within the Mohawk Valley region. I’m proud of the hand in hand partnership between my Administration, The Oneida County Board of Legislators, Mohawk Valley EDGE and everyone involved in this project. None of this would have been possible if not for Mohawk Valley EDGE’s foresight to pursue the development of the Marcy site as a critical part of a much larger New York State economic development strategy that includes our region.”
CNSE Senior Vice President and CEO Alain Kaloyeros said, “0The NanoCollege’s role in leading development of the Marcy Nanocenter site builds upon Governor Cuomo’s visionary leadership and strategic investments in leveraging assets that not only remain under public ownership, but also attract substantially greater private industry investment. We look forward to working closely with Mohawk Valley EDGE and SUNYIT to ensure expansion of the nanotechnology research, development, commercialization and manufacturing ecosystem in the Mohawk Valley, which is further strengthening New York’s innovation-enabled economy.”
Mohawk Valley EDGE President Steve DiMeo said, “New York State has considerable cache within this industry. This recognition is due to New York’s commitment and the strategic investments it has made that have enabled CNSE to become a global R&D powerhouse. Our partnership with CNSE and SUNYIT, and the support of Governor Cuomo, the State Legislature, and the Town of Marcy are keys to ensuring the success of this transformational project.”
“The Mohawk Valley Regional Economic Development Council has made the development of the Marcy Nanocenter site and the investments in the Quad C at SUNYIT regional priorities that can have a catalytic economic impact on the Mohawk Valley region and build a technology corridor that extends across I-90,” said Larry Gilroy, Co-Chair for the Mohawk Valley Regional Economic Development Council.
With this announcement, CNSE is broadening its partnership with Mohawk Valley EDGE and SUNYIT to further the historic agreement announced in 2011 by Governor Cuomo to establish the G450C at CNSE. Spearheaded by CNSE, the $4.8 billion G450C has brought together five leading global high-tech companies – Intel, IBM, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, TSMC, and Samsung – at CNSE as part of a first-of-its-kind wafer and equipment development environment that will enable a cost effective and timely transition from the current 300mm wafer technology to the new 450mm technology.
Through the leadership and investment of Governor Cuomo, and as a critical component of G450C, CNSE built NanoFab Xtension (NFX) to provide state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities, tools, and infrastructure to support the research, development and pilot prototyping for 450mm wafer technology. Similarly, with the Marcy Nanocenter site, CNSE will lead development of a full-scale manufacturing facility designed to serve the world’s leading high-tech companies and enhance New York’s position as a global semiconductor hub.
A new Wetlands Permit application will be filed with the Buffalo District of the US Army Corps of Engineers that names CNSE as the end user to develop the site for semiconductor manufacturing, satisfying one of the requirements under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Concurrently, an application for Preliminary Development Plan approval is being filed with the Town of Marcy. Securing these local and federal approvals will enable site development and infrastructure improvements that are required before CNSE can undertake plans for initial phases of development.
CNSE and EDGE expect that a new Wetlands Permit will be issued within the next few months so that work can commence on development of the site and support critical time-to-market requirements.
As part of the CNSE development plan, the potential full build-out of the Marcy site would include:
- Up to 8.25 million square feet of facilities, with up to three 450mm computer chip fabs, each with a cleanroom of approximately 450,000 square feet;
- Total public and private investment of $10 Billion to $15 Billion for each phase of development; and
- Creation of approximately 5,000 direct jobs and approximately 15,000 indirect jobs.
About CNSE. The SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Enginering (CNSE) is the first college in the world dedicated to education, research, development, and deployment in the emerging disciplines of nanoscience, nanoengineering, nanobioscience, and nanoeconomics. With more than $17 billion in high-tech investments, CNSE represents the world’s most advanced university-driven research enterprise, offering students a one-of-a-kind academic experience and providing over 300 corporate partners with access to an unmatched ecosystem for leading-edge R&D and commercialization of nanoelectronics and nanotechnology innovations. CNSE’s footprint spans upstate New York, including its Albany NanoTech Complex, a 1.3 million- square-foot megaplex with the only fully-integrated, 300mm and 450mm wafer computer chip pilot prototyping and demonstration lines within 135,000 square feet of Class 1 capable cleanrooms. More than 3,100 scientists, researchers, engineers, students, and faculty work here, from companies including IBM, Intel, GlobalFoundries, SEMATECH, Samsung, TSMC, Applied Materials, Tokyo Electron, ASML, and Lam Research. CNSE’s latest expansion, which includes NanoFab Xtension (NFX), headquarters for the world’s first Global 450mm Consortium (G450C), and the Zero Energy Nanotechnology (ZEN) building, a living laboratory for green energy technologies, will add more than 1,000 scientists, researchers, and engineers from CNSE and global corporations. CNSE’s Solar Energy Development Center in Halfmoon, which provides a prototyping and demonstration line for next-generation CIGS thin-film solar cells, and the CNSE Photovoltaic Manufacturing and Technology Development Facility (CNSE MDF) in Rochester, the solar industry’s first full-service collaborative facility dedicated to crystalline silicon, support CNSE’s leadership of the U.S. Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (PVMC). CNSE’s Smart System Technology and Commercialization Center of Excellence (STC) in Rochester offers state-of-the-art capabilities for MEMS fabrication and packaging. CNSE also co-founded and manages operations at the Computer Chip Commercialization Center (QUAD-C) at SUNYIT in Marcy. For information, visit www.cnse.albany.edu.
About Mohawk Valley EDGE. Mohawk Valley EDGE (Economic Development Growth Enterprises Corporation) is a vertically integrated economic development organization that can assist your business to locate, grow and prosper in Oneida and Herkimer Counties, in the center of New York State. EDGE promotes the Mohawk Valley’s people, work force, quality of life, infrastructure, sites, and everything else the region has to offer businesses, site selection specialists and industrial developers. A private, not-for-profit corporation, EDGE is an integral part of the long-term effort by the public and private sectors to strengthen opportunities and open the door for new businesses and industries to locate and grow within the region.
About SUNYIT. SUNYIT, the State University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome, is New York’s public polytechnic, offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs in technology and professional studies. Its academic offerings in technology, including engineering, cybersecurity, computer science, and the engineering technologies, and its programs in professional studies, including business, communication, and nursing, are complemented by athletics, recreational, cultural and campus life programs, events and activities. Founded in 1966, SUNYIT is a unique high-tech learning environment on hundreds of acres, offering degree programs online as well as on campus. The SUNYIT family of alumni now numbers 25,000.